

展会时间:2006-5-24 至 2006-5-26





     Powder metallurgy is a leading metal forming technology. It is a high new technology to make metal and other powder into mechanical components and products by pressing, fritting and other follow-up processes. On account of its energy-saving, material-saving, high efficiency and environment protection, it is being widely used and has a huge potential market and development foreground.
     In recent years, powder metallurgy is developing rapidly especially in the east China, promotion10% every year. There is a golden opportunity for powder metallurgy industry development. Also, it is a prelude of higher standard. With the step of the entry into WTO and globalization, it is confronted with new challenges. The powder metallurgy industry in China shall never stand erect without innovation and accelerated development.
     We are trying out best to offer better service in the spirit of “Plan carefully, serve wholeheartedly to provide more profit opportunity and bigger market.”
二、展览内容Content of Display
1、  粉末冶金产品:硬质合金、双金属轴承、固体润滑轴承、含油轴承、摩擦材料、汽车、摩托车、家电、工程机械及农机等行业用粉末冶金零部件;
2、  粉末冶金原辅材料类:铁粉、钢粉、铝粉、铜粉、镍粉、钨粉、炭化钨粉、钛粉、钴粉、不锈(高速)钢粉、陶瓷材料及其它金属元素和合金粉末等;
3、  粉末冶金技术、设备类:注射成形、压制、烧结、破碎、研磨、筛分、干燥、淬火、还原、碳化、模具、机床及制粒等粉末冶金应用技术和设备;
4、 粉末冶金仪器、仪表和控制、检测技术与设备等及气体类:粒度测试仪及其他检测仪碳硫分析仪、氧分析仪、洛(维)瓦硬度仪、表面粗糙真空油浸机、中空膜制氮装置、氮气纯化装置、保护气体等检测仪器及专用气体。
1.      Powder metallurgy material and products.
2.      Powder metallurgy raw material and auxiliary material: Iron powder, steel powder, aluminum powder, copper powder, nickel powder, tungsten powder, charring tungsten powder, titanium powder, cobalt powder, stainless (high speed) steel powder, ceramic materials, and other tantalum alloy powder etc.
3.      Powder metallurgy technology and equipment: Injection forming, pressing, fritting, breaking, polishing, sizing, drying, quenching, reducing, charring, mould and shooting etc
4.      Powder metallurgy instrument, monitoring and detecting technology and equipment.
4、 在本行业约三十多家媒体上发布展会信息.
1.    Send invitations to the manufacturers, agents and dealers in powder metallurgy industry both home and abroad.
2.    Send 50,000 invitations and 300,000 admission tickets to the enterprises in motor vehicle, mechanical, machine tool, metal, aviation, shipping, instrument, hardware, engineering, energy, timber, metallurgy, and glass industry. Introduce our exhibition in related exhibitions and meetings.
3.    Advertise through our overseas organization.
4.    Publicize in more than 30 media.
1、标准展位:(9平方米起租)Standard Booth: 3m*3m
国内企业: A区: RMB 800元/ m2      B区:  RMB700元/ m2         C区:  RMB650元/ m2    
合资企业: RMB900元/ m2               国外企业:250元美金 / m2
Domestic Area A: RMB800 / m2    Domestic Area B: RMB700 m2     Domestic Area C: RMB650/ m2 
Joint Venture: RMB900/ m2       Overseas Enterprise: US$250 / m2
2、室内光地:(18平方米起租)Raw Space18 m2
国内企业:700元人民币/ m2             国外企业:220美金/ m2
     Domestic: RMB700/m2                               Overseas: US$220/m2
二只射灯等;Standard booth fittings: 3*3 panels (height:2.5m), one fascia board with company name, 9 m2 carpet, one reception desk, two chairs, one socket (12A/220V), and two spotlights
2、光地费用包括:提供相应之空地,保安、清洁服务、不含特装管理费及电源等费用;Raw space fittings: security and cleanness service. The operation fees of special decoration and power fees are not included.
3、免费提供服务Package service: 
A、在会刊上刊登100字以内的简介(请提供电子版Word格式文稿);Publish the company introduction in Chinese and English in less than 100 words on the exhibition catalogue. (Please offer to the organizer in Word.)
B、提供入场券和请柬供参展商邀请客户使用;Free admission tickets for clients’ invitation
 C、制作《展品预览》,展前宣传报道;Publish Exhibits Preview and publicity report
 D、提供展台日常清洁卫生;    Daily cleanness service
 E、提供展场24小时安全保卫   24-hour security;
 F、免费参加“中外粉末冶金高层企业供需见面会”;Free attendance of “Supply and Demand Meeting of powder metallurgy”
 G、享受后续的采购信息。Free follow-up purchasing information.
五、会刊广告Catalogue Advertisement(RMB)
封面Front Cover : RMB10000元            封底 Inside Front Cover: RMB8000元
封二 Back Cover: RMB5000元         &nb